Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Family Reunion in Pocatello - Pickleball

The second big event for the day was a set of competitions.  Each person could sign up for the ones they wanted to compete in, but for most they had to find a team mate.  For each sport there were ladders set up for adult teams and ladders for mixed adult and child teams.  The first one that started out was pickleball.

Jacquelyn and Ethan on one team.  They won several games and ended up getting all the way to the finals for the child adult teams.  Dallen and Evan won that one.

Nathanael and Ashton against Jacob and Mary-Anne.

Spectators on the side in a sandy area under the back porch.  Elliott, Asher and Dorian.

James and Jonathan.

Elliott and Rebecca.

Joshua and Julia.

Dallen and Evan, who won this ladder.

Joshua and Julia.

Nathanael and Ashton.

Caleb and James.  Jacob watching.

Up on the balcony Mary-Anne, Jim, Asher, Tianna, Joslyn and Hannah.

Joshua, James, Tianna, Ethan, Julia and Caleb.

Joshua and Julia.

Ethan and Jacquelyn.

Isaac after a big score.

Jacquelyn and I against Isaac and Nathanael, who won the adult teams ladder.  One the side Hannah, Agnes and Asher.

Nathanael and Isaac.  Ashton and Jacob watching.

Asher, Elliott, Jonathan and Hannah.

Elliott, Hannah, Asher, Agnes and Joslyn.

Isaac and Nathanael against Joshua and Rebecca in the final match for the adult teams.  It was a lot of fun watching all the games.

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