Thursday, August 16, 2018

Gen's birthday

We made another trip down to Arizona to see our parents and be with Jacquelyn's mom on her birthday.

 She turned 92 years old.  We went out to Red Lobster for dinner and they gave her a giant sundae with a candle in it.

 She turned 92 years old.  Here she is with 5 of her 8 children - Rosemerry, Duane, Jacquelyn, Conni, and Roger.

 We also saw my dad and the first evening he took us out to a baseball game.

 We saw the Arizona Diamondbacks play.  There was a lot of hitting going on but they lost in the end.

It was fun going to the game.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Visit from Doranda's family I

Doranda and Bob flew out from Japan for a visit with grandchildren Tucker, Penelope, Scarlett, Leon, and Calista.

 Penelope ready to have some fun at Bradley Lake Park where they had a small fair going on one day.

 Caleb with Tucker, Scarlett, and Penelope observing giant turtles, some of which can live to be 150 years old.  They were monsterous.

 Tucker, Scarlett, and Penelope with baby turtles so small they could be held in your palm.  They were allowed to pick them up.

Penelope taking a fall on the giant blow up climbing toys.

 Then one day we played miniature golf at Mike N Terry' Outdoor Fun Park just north of where we live towards Sumner.  We had to split up into two groups. We had all of Doranda's family plus Caleb plus two of Tianna's children.  In this picture is Penelope, Scarlett, Ashton, Calista, Tucker, and Caleb.

 Ashton pondering a short putt.

 Tucker getting ready to shoot the windmill.

 Leon taking a mighty swing.  Keep your eye on the ball or you'll miss it.

 Penelope chasing her ball while Scarlett looks bored.

 Scarlett trying to shook a curving shot.

 The kids also played a lot of ball in the backyard.  You throw the ball at someone, and if you hit them they are out.  But then if you get out, they get to come back in.  You play until just one person is in.

 Sometimes even the adults joined in on the fun.

 Ashton and Penelope.

 A mighty throw by Ashton.

 Caleb throwing at Penelope.  I hope he missed, looks like it might hurt.  It doesn't.

 Talitha's dog Lucy wanted to join in on the fun too, with Leon.  She likes to play Frisbee.

 Leon and Scarlett made a campfire in the backyard for everyone to cook marshmallows and make smores.

 We also make our traditional trip to the dollar store and each grandchild gets to buy one thing, any thing they want, in the whole store.  Tucker bought these little sticky Ninja people who were good at climbing down walls.

And there were lots of card and board games going on all the time, usually adults.

Visit from Doranda's family II

More fun things to do while Doranda was out to visit with her family.

Interesting things close by, like a trip to Wildwood Park, which is always a favorite.  It's only about 2 miles north of home.  First thing we did there was hit the Exercise Trail.  This is a push up station.  Tucker, Leon, and Scarlett.

 Monkey bars station.  Penelope and James.

 Doranda on the monkey bars.

 Tucker doing chin-ups in his own way.

 Tucker and Ashton on the leg lift station.

 Leon on the balance bars.

 James on the balance bars.

 Leon and Scarlett on the tree stump.

 After that we went to the playground area.  Leon is on a fence overlooking the Wildwood Park Waterfall.

 James traversing a fallen log.

On the playground is Tucker, Ashton, Leon, Scarlett, and James playing some kind of game.  I think Scarlett is "it".

 Then we went to the ball fields for a game of kick ball.  We had a giant ball so it was hard to get very far.  Here's Tucker heading for second as Leon heads for home and Caleb fields the ball.

 James winding up for a mighty kick.

 Penelope up close, ready to field Leon's kick as soon as he kicks the ball.

 A nearby rock formation to climb on - Tucker, James, and Scarlett.

 We also made a trip one day to Mt. Rainier.  This is Narada Falls which where we did a short hike down to a lookout point.

 Observing a beaver chewed tree at the Longmire Trail of Mists.

 Tucker climbing on logs at our picnic lunch site at Cougar Rock Campgrounds.

 Penelope and Scarlett also climbing logs.

 Leon on a big fallen tree.

Jacquelyn and I overlooking the Nisqually River, a glacier feed river running off the mountain.

Ape Caves with Doranda and Tianna and family

One more thing we did during Doranda's visit was a trip to Ape Caves at Mount Saint Helens National Park.

 Here we are about ready to start our hike through Ape Caves.  Ashton, Tianna, James, Jim, Penelope, Bob, Scarlett, Doranda, Leon, Tucker, and Grandpa Swift (me).

 Descending into the mouth of the cave first is Bob, Leon, and Tucker.

 Followed closely by Scarlett, Penelope, and Doranda.

 Tianna, James, and Jim coming next.

 Inside the cave it was too dark to get good pictures.  The lava tube is 1.4 miles long, all in the dark.

 There were a few places where you had to do some climbing, this formation is called the waterfall.  Mostly we were climbing and picking our way over jumbles of rock.  It was a challenge.

 At the exit at last.  It's a long strenuous hike in the dark.

Group picture at the end.  It was great.