Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Two Baby Blessings

Shortly after getting back to the United States we got to attend and participate in the Baby Blessings for two of our new Grandchildren - Jonathan and Asher.

 Here they are - Asher on the left and Jonathan on the right.  We are so glad they waited for us to get home so we could come to the baby blessings.  Asher was 7 weeks old at his baby blessing.  Jonathan was 9 weeks old at his baby blessing.  They were born just 11 days apart, one in Idaho and one in Utah.  We were in the Philippines at the time.

 Julia, Christian, Ethan and Elliott posing in front of a sign they made us to welcome us back home from our mission to the Philippines.

 Here's little Asher all dressed up ready for his Baby Blessing.  Talitha and Tianna and Nathanael and Caleb all got to be there too.

 Asher with us and his family.  Three brothers and two sisters.

 One day we went on a hike up to this small hill behind Joshua's house in Idaho.  It was cold for us and we saw some snow.  We aren't used to cold weather, but it was a fun hike.

 The day's activities got to be a bit too much for little Agnes and she fell asleep in the middle of eating her lunch.

 Here's Sister Swift (we hadn't been released yet), with three future Sister Swift missionaries.  They each got one of her nametags to use when they go, should they get to.

 Jacquelyn and I with little Asher after his Baby Blessing.

 Asher with a Harry Potter wand, which he liked waving around.

 Next we got to go to little Jonathan's baby blessing down in Lehi.

 Jonathan with his family after the Baby Blessing.  We are so glad we got to be there.

 Elliott and Jacob, two cousins born just one month and three days apart.  Joshua and his family got to come down for the Baby Blessing too.

 We got to go see Jacob at some swim lessons.  He was swimming a short distance by himself and could float on his back.

 We also got to see Hannah at gymnastics lessons.

 She's a good little tumbler.

 We also had an Easter Egg hunt in the back yard.  Here's Ethan, Elliott, Christian, Hannah, Julia, and Jacob waiting to start.

 Agnes off for a running start, looking good.

 Jacob and Elliott were in the next group to start.

 Hannah had a really cute Easter outfit

Julia was the oldest of the children there.  She is already 10 and is growing up fast.

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