Here's a picture of Jacquelyn and I when we were dating. I'm not sure why such a pretty girl would go out with me, except maybe because I had a Corvette. No, really, I think she liked my mustache.

Here's a picture of Jacquelyn in her office. He was in the Air Force. She was also a newly baptized member of the Mormon church. Notice the pictures on her blackboard behind her.

Here's a picture of when we got married. We moved fast. I really liked her beautiful wedding dress.

We had a military wedding. I chose to wear my Mess Dress uniform. Jacqeulyn could of worn her Mess Dress uniform also but instead wanted a traditional wedding dress. We had military sabres to cut the cake with.

Our next child was Joshua. You can imagine all the attention he got with two older sisters besides his Mom and Dad.

I joined the church too. This is a picture of us on the day we went to the temple to be sealed together. I still think that on that day Jacquelyn was the most beautiful I ever saw her or anyone else.

We liked to go on vacations. Here's a picture of us at an old western town, Barstow in California. We had a great gang.

This is one of the last pictures of us in the military. Jacquelyn was in charge of organizing WINCON, a large military industry convention. We're wearing our winter Mess Dress uniforms.

Next we had our fourth child, Nathanael. You can't see too well but we kept his hair long to be like his great-grandpa.

Our family is getting bigger. We had our fifth child Malachi. We also had teenagers in the family, Tianna and Talitha were getting olders.

Jacquelyn and I are going out for a date to a sock hop. I love 50's music.

Next we had our sixth child, Doranda. This picture is at a ball game with my parents.

Next we had our seventh child Isaac. In this picture we are on vacation at Yosemite National Park. Notice our two oldest children have grown up and moved out.

The first of our children got married and this is a picture at her wedding.

Jacquelyn and I all dressed up.

Next we had our eighth child Caleb. Notice our dog Patches.

Jacquelyn and I on a cruise. It was a lot of fun.

We went on another vacation to Hawaii. Nathanael was the photographer here.

Jacquelyn and I on a vacation to Australia in a hot air balloon.

Here we are with the ever growing family at Joshua's wedding. Notice grandchildren now too, Jarom, Amery, Dallen, Evan, and Ashton.
Jacquelyn and I on a vacation to London.

This was our third trip to Hawaii. Different children each time.

Last picture, Jacquelyn and I on a vacation to Alaska.
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